How to Show YOURSELF Love this February


2020 is picking up speed, daylight is here a few minutes longer, and we are already smack in the middle of February! Tomorrow is one of our favorite and least favorite holidays, depending on your current love life. Historically, we’re conditioned to think that Valentine’s Day is a day to give and receive love to other people, but what would happen if we treated ourselves to that same kind of love?

We place a lot of value in external things like our weight, the foods we eat, the people make us feel loved, and how we look. It’s easy to use those outside factors to gauge our worth, but should we really let these things control our lives? Focusing on how we LOOK can be a distraction from focusing on how we actually FEEL.

So, how can we show ourselves more love and compassion this time of year? Start by taking inventory of how you’re currently measuring your value. Do you only feel good about yourself when you lost 5lbs or when your significant other tells you how beautiful you look? Are you placing more value on the external rather than the internal?

When let our bodies and weight dictate how we feel, we’re telling ourselves that we’re not good enough as we are. Words like “self love” and “self care” are tossed around A LOT online, but what does self care actually look like outside of bubble baths and face masks?


- Acknowledging and exploring your true feelings

- Speaking up for what you need

- Accepting your past and using what you’ve learned to pave a new future

Grab a pen and paper (or open up the notes app on your phone) and begin writing down some ways you can show yourself love that don’t have to do with your appearance or external validation. What are the things you can start doing right now to care for your mind, body, and soul? Pick one of these to tackle this week and keep track of your progress. Maybe call up a friend so you can have an accountability partner, bringing in others can not only help YOUR healing, but it can help YOURS too.

Want to give yourself some extra TLC this month? Get a complimentary one-hour breakthrough session with me and I’ll give you your personal road map for conquering emotional eating. Click HERE to apply.

Kaylee Murphy