Stay in Control At Parties And Events This Summer
Give Fullness Forecasting A Try Before Your Next Food Filled Event!
After being cooped up indoors for months on end during winter, we can finally venture back outside and enjoy blue skies, green grass, and blossoming flowers again. The start of summer can signal a time of celebration, there’s plenty of graduation parties, barbeques, and weekend events that bring together people and of course, food. Like the holidays during winter, this can bring up some overwhelming feelings of fear and lead to a restrict/binge cycle. You might feel apprehensive walking into an event knowing there will be tables of delicious food waiting, but I’m here to remind you that YOU are always in control.
In the past, you might have walked into an event mentally prepared to restrict and not allow yourself to be tempted by the food. How did that work out? Most likely one plate lead to two and so on, until you became uncomfortably full and upset with yourself. You don’t have to stay stuck in that cycle anymore. By implementing my Fullness Forecasting method, you will be able to eat to satisfaction and actually enjoy the foods you’re eating.
I recently talked about Fullness Forecasting on Facebook Live before my event. You can watch it HERE
Before you head over to your first party this summer, think about how you want to feel afterwards. This isn’t about counting calories or any kind of restriction, it’s about a feeling. Think about what will sit well in your stomach and how you want your mind to feel after. Check in with yourself at an anchor point, like after your first plate to see where your body is at before mindlessly filling your plate up with seconds. Take a moment to engage with the people around you and take your mind off any urges. Once you’ve identified where your body is at, you can take action based off of that feeling. Keep checking in throughout the party and hold that vision of yourself happy and content with no guilt or regret at the end of the night.
Once the party has wrapped up and you’re ready to head home, notice how you did compassionate curiosity. How does your body and mind feel now? Can you see yourself utilizing this practice again? If things didn’t go exactly as planned, try to think of what you ate, or where you went past that point of what didn't feel right for you? You can use all of this information to better plan for your next event and continue down the path of your mindful eating journey.
Once you give Fullness Forecasting a try let me know how it goes! Tell me about your experience in the comment section below my Facebook Live HERE