Slipping back into old eating habits?
Oh the dreaded fear of falling off the wagon…again.
Been there. Done that. More times than I can count.
How about you?
If you have had some success with dieting or eating healthier and now find yourself slipping back into bad eating habits, today I'll be sharing 5 steps to help you get back on track again.
But first I think it is important to let you know that it is not unusual to go through a period of "unhealthy" eating after dieting or following a strict food plan. In fact, it is totally expected.
Cravings can begin to nag at you like a used car salesperson, with all the slickest techniques to get you to buy.
Eventually, you just can't take it anymore and you give in.
Before you know it your clothes are getting tighter.
How does this happen so fast?!?!
It can be really upsetting to feel like you are gaining weight especially if you can't will yourself to go back on the diet or strict eating plan.
You may end up searching for motivation or the willpower to start again.
Before you get too frustrated, I'm here to tell you that you need a completely different approach for getting back on track.
So...lets look at some #truth shall we?
What if I told you that one of the root causes for bad eating, especially after a period of being good, is from restricting yourself from food that you really love...even if it doesn't have much nutritional value.
Another #truth is if you are generally eating so that you are restricting (by reducing calories or not allowing your favorite foods) at some point you will binge eat.
An eating disorder treatment facility in Boston had this to say about the causes of binge eating:
“Dieting – and the restriction of food – can trigger hunger cues, often leaving one vulnerable to a binge. Furthermore, the pressure to diet and maintain specific caloric intake can produce overwhelming feelings of stress, anxiety and shame can often trigger a binge.”
So if dieting or restricting food leads to bingeing...then what should you do if you feel like you are falling back into bad eating habits?Here are 5 things to try:
1. Stop labeling what you eat (or don't eat) as good or bad.
2. Instead of judging the value of food, see how it makes you FEEL during and after you eat it. Keep a journal of food items that feel good in your body, that satisfy and energize you. You can try calling these Green Light foods. Next, make a list of the foods that have the opposite effect, you can call these Red Light foods. For foods that you are unsure about or have a mixed effect, call these Yellow Light foods.
3. Make it your mission to feel physically better AFTER eating then you did BEFORE you started.
4. When you do make food choices, really focus more on eating stuff that makes you feel nourished and satisfied. (Mostly Green Light foods. A little Yellow Light Foods)
5. Be present when you are eating rather than multi-tasking during meals and snacks. This will help you really notice how it tastes and how it FEELS in your body (focus on energy level, digestion issues, sense of fullness, etc). When you really pay attention to your food and how it impacts your body, you might be surprised that some of what you crave isn’t so yummy or enjoyable.
Want some help getting back on track with eating?
Join me for a complimentary Emotional Eating Breakthrough Session. I will help you identify and overcome the biggest trigger that is getting in your way. After our call, you will have the next steps you need to get back on track and stay that way.
Just click HERE to reserve your spot