Silencing Your Inner Critic So You Can Feel Happier and More Confident
The inner critic can keep you feeling trapped and stuck.
Do you have a nagging voice inside your head that criticizes you?
This judgmental voice arrives uninvited in your mind throughout the day and can sound like:
“You stupid idiot”
“I’m so disgusting”
“You can never do anything right”
“I made a fool out of myself”
“You’re lazy!”
Or fill in the blank:
“You should/shouldn’t be ______________________ !
“I hate my ________________________”
“I’ll never __________________________”
Maybe you recognize the voice of your inner critic from your childhood that came from a parent, coach, older sibling, bullying-peers or a harsh teacher.
Wherever it came from, you’ve got to learn to silence it if you ever want to have strong self-esteem, have your ultimate success at work, and have healthy relationships.
Untamed, the inner critic can cause depression, anxiety, and stress.
It creates neediness and codependency in relationships.
It can keep you feeling like you’ll never be recognized for all your efforts at work.
As someone who has recovered from a pretty severe inner critic, I’m here to tell you that you can learn to outsmart your inner critic so it's quieter, kinder, and even helpful to you.
Your first step is to notice that it’s there.
How do you do that?
Every time you have a thought that you sense is coming from the inner critic, write it down.
Awareness is the very first step.
Once you recognize the voice of the inner critic you can learn how to silence it.
Want some help? Apply for a complementary Rise Above It Session here and you’ll get your next steps to quiet down your inner critic.