Ditching Diet Talk - how to navigate food & weight loss conversations
What to do when every one is talking about diets, weight loss and their body.
3 ways to deal…
After spending countless years and endless amounts of mental energy controlling what you put into your body, you’ve come to the realization that diets just aren’t sustainable. You want to break free from restriction and make peace with your body. You know that there are ways to heal emotional eating and stop the fight with food without dieting, restricting, or depriving yourself from the things that bring you joy.
Even though you know those things don’t work, you sometimes feel tempted by their quick fixes and dramatic results. But you know that the REAL solutions lie beyond the latest diet trends and magical detox teas.
Despite your courage to forge a new path with food...
EVERYONE seems to be talking about weight loss, diets, and what they hate about their bodies.
No matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to get away from these conversations. You overhear them on the train, in the lunchroom, and all over social media. As you become more aware of just how ridiculous diet culture is, you notice that the rest of the world still seems to be stuck in this crazy, negative mindset.
So -- what’s a girl to do?
You don’t have to live in isolation and cut ties with the people you love just because they’re not on the same mindful eating journey as you. There are ways you can peacefully navigate the world of constant diet talk without walking on your own secluded path. Here are a few of my tips on how to handle tough situations:
Redirect conversations with your buddies (and co-workers)
Let people know you love them, but all the talk about weight loss and dieting is just not one you want to be a part of anymore. Or you can just keep it simple and change the subject as fast as you can, “Omg did you see that story about the rescue puppy who called 911 and saved their new dog mom?!”
2) Take a break from those triggering people, groups and companies on social media.
The “unfollow” button just might be the best invention on social media since the start of selfies. Take a few minutes to browse through your feed and take inventory of the people you follow. If you follow anyone who posts nonstop about the newest diet their on, or shares weekly body updates, mute their posts from your feed so you can scroll along trigger-free.
3) Remind yourself why diets don’t work for you and that you are tired of obsessing over food and your body.
You’ve gone down this path plenty of times, only to end up feeling even MORE defeated and ashamed than when you started. You know there’s a life beyond dieting and you’re SO ready to finally experience it. You’ve tried over and over again to control your food and it hasn’t brought you any peace, so what’s the harm in trying to honor your body and mind for once?
This is such a personal journey you’re embarking on. The people in your life might not be used to the idea of mindful eating, but you can be the example. Speak up for yourself when you’re feeling triggered and let people know there’s more to life than obsessing over our bodies.
If you want some support in making peace with food, your body, and breaking free from diet insanity apply for an emotional eating breakthrough session HERE...