Imagine how it would feel to wake up every morning happier…filled with energy and enthusiasm for the day ahead
It starts by giving you the courage and road map to get past this overwhelming situation that is stressing you out right now. This could be the one main thing that is standing in the way of having the big bold life you dream about. What I love about the work I do is seeing my clients get past their fear, become intuitive decision-makers, and ultimately transform their lives.
It would be an honor to be a part of your journey to healing.
Here are some of the stressful life events/transitions that will benefit from my unique combo of traditional psychotherapy tools (like CBT) and mindfulness-based practices, along with healthy lifestyle habits.
• Unwelcome Changes: Sometimes life changes unexpectedly and it is not what you want or what you envisioned happening in your life. Job loss, divorce, breakups, and the loss of a loved one are some of life’s tragedies. It can feel like your world is literally falling apart and you’ll never recover.
• It is Not What You Expected: Has something you were originally excited about ended up making you feel depressed or overwhelmed as you struggle to adjust? This can happen after a baby is born, starting a new business/career, moving in with your partner, relocating to a new city, starting college, or at retirement.
Who The F#$% Am I?: At any age, people can deeply question their life purpose, relationships, spiritual beliefs, career path, or sexual identity. This can be a time of confusion and fear.
“Life’s not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
Life requires us to learn how to respond to the changing landscape it presents to us. We don’t have to wait for life to be perfect for us to find more peace and joy. With courage, resilience, and coping skills you can not only weather the storm you are in, but you can thrive in spite of it and create a new way of living.
Whatever the cause of the emotional distress you are feeling right now, energy psychotherapy can help. Please contact me today to discuss how I might be able to provide support and clarity for you. My approach is more like having a conversation with a supportive coach instead of feeling analyzed by a silent therapist.
Right now in our world, many people feel confused, overwhelmed, and anxious. Don’t struggle alone another day. You deserve the expert support and guidance that will give you the support you need to thrive.
Click HERE for a complimentary session. Let me show you what is possible for you!